I been scoping you out, and it sure looks like something's going on in there. Best I can tell you're very cultured. Gram positive probably, but I'm just guessing. Poor baby got the methylene blues? Gonna incubate your incubus. Foil your diversion with oil immersion. Give me your heart. Not striated, honey. Smooth. A moveable feast, not your optional companionship, not your bad dream of b-sides and bootlegs. Displaced, abnormal, exaggerated. Misdiagnosis: that's what I'm talking about. Homeopathic, ecstatic, backed up and back at it. The onset of symptoms: Lorazepam amnesia. Spontaneous reports. A certain disinclination to consider consequences, to reload properly, to fold under pressure. I'm a cupcake. I'm a cutup. Not much choice. Make it real or else forget about it.