Thursday, November 16, 2006

maybe you can help me with this

Sure, I think Jeremy is a cute guy, but what people are saying about us just isn't true. Look, I've been in the business world for a long time now (if I look young, it's just that I take care of myself), and I've worked hard to get where I am today. It means a lot to me, and I don't mind admitting it. I like nice things, nice cars, nice romantic evenings in exotic locales like Bangkok or Montana. I also know what's appropriate and what isn't. I guess what I'm trying to say is I wasn't born yesterday.

But here's where you can help me. Maybe you could leave a comment or something. The thing is, I'm new to this whole business blogging business. I know you're supposed to be all open and free-form and everything -- though I have to say that's not how I was brought up! Still, everyone I've asked about it has told me, "Oh Kat, just be yourself. You have such a wonderful personality. You'll be great!"

I don't know. Though I'm certainly willing to give it a try. Otherwise, why would I be sitting up so late typing all this stuff? Gosh, I guess I did drink a bit too much at that meeting with the Wal-Mart people today. I hope I'm not all goofy in the morning for the IBM presentation. Anyway, I seem to be beating around the bush here, and that's really not like me. I usually come straight to the point. OK, here's the problem. Jeremy is gay.

Not that I mean that's a problem. Heavens, no! Some of my best friends... Well, and I imagine even more of yours. Right? I mean, heck, it seems just about everyone these days is gay or lesbian or some damn thing. But don't let me get started on all that, because that's not the problem here. The problem is what Jeremy showed me on his laptop today. I could tell he really wanted me to like them, but to tell you the truth, I was shocked. A little shocked, anyway. I tried not to show it, but I think I disappointed him. Plus, I think it was inappropriate behavior on his part. And after all, I am his manager. Do people talk about things like this on their blogs? I think I am going to have to make a new policy that Jeremy isn't allowed to read mine. Oh, now I wish I hadn't even started this thing, and this is only my third post. My head hurts. I'm going to bed.


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