Friday, November 17, 2006

we landed the account!

It turns out I was wrong about those IBMers. (I almost wrote, "Dear Diary" -- this is so much like that.) They just left a little while ago, and oh my, what a morning. Wrong about them not reading blogs, I mean. The woman, Angela, couldn't stop talking about having found this one. "It's so cool that you blog," she said, "and I never would have figured you for a suicide girl!"

I must have looked as confused as I felt -- what was she telling me? -- because Jeremy found an excuse to get me out of the conference room for a minute, and explained about the ad in the sidebar, the one that just says SG. Since they left, I went into my office and clicked on it. Dear God. It appears to be some sort of porn site. And the other one is even worse! However, that was all Angela could talk about. "Lithium Picnic?" she asked. "And what other little secrets have you been keeping from us?" She said this with a sort of wink, which made me uncomfortable, to say the least-- and that was before I knew what was underneath those unsettling graphics.

But we got the business. Yay! It's such a lot of business that I kept asking Jeremy to run the numbers for me. Looks as if I'll be able to get that Porsche this year after all. Can you believe it, diary? (Whoops, there I go again.) So what if Angela was a little odd? It's a free country, right? But I do keep wondering what lithium is, and what, if anything, it has to do with picnics. Isn't lithium what they put in those balloons? The kind that kids are always losing at the park, at the zoo, and balling their little heads off? No wait... wasn't there a Nirvana song called Lithium? Didn't I hear that at a party once? Maybe it's a drug of some kind. I guess that would make sense. The women at that site certainly seemed to be on something.

Wow, I wonder how many people at IBM are kinky dopers? It can't be that many, can it? Oh well, who cares? We got the account! I think I'll go see if Jeremy has any plans for lunch. We deserve a celebration after the Q3 from hell. And maybe afterwards he can show me that leather lingerie shop he keeps mentioning. Sounds fascinating.


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