Friday, November 17, 2006

was this such a hot idea?

Dear Blog, what now? Just as the dust was settling from our busiest week ever, Jeremy stuck his head in at my door and asked if he could "have a word." I always get worried when he's so polite. It means he's going to tell me something I don't want to hear. And sure enough.

The one part of this blog I did myself -- and I was so proud of it! -- is the section titled "Our Personal Pals." It's over on the right side of the page somewhere. But Jeremy says it's all wrong. He was gentle enough about it, true, but now I feel like crying. Homeland Security is important to me. To all of us, in fact. I mean, isn't it? But he says that, instead, we should put things like TechCrunch and Techmeme and Scobelizer in there. And a bunch of other gibberish sounding nonsense I can't remember now. I've never even heard of those. What the hell is a Scobelizer? It sounds like one of those things they turn on at night when you're a kid and you have a bad cold.

[btw (this means "by the way," by the way), I went to the Scobelizer thing after Jeremy left. The person who writes that was talking about another person named Hugh McLeod who has a site called (can you believe this, Blog?) Gaping Void. Mr. McLeod has some drawing talent, to be sure, but I think he belongs in an institution. Where do they get these people?]

Worse, they all seem to be boys, and from long experience, I know there's only one thing most boys want. Hint: a lot more than a slot in my sidebar. At least I feel I can trust Jeremy, because he's... But I guess we already covered that. I was really upset about this. Bernie Ebbers was so nice to me when I was at MCI, and it's bad enough they've got him in the slammer now for some minor oversight. I don't want to take his link down too. Talk about insult to injury!

I can't tell you how this whole thing has affected me emotionally. I spent a long time in the executive washroom. But I promised Jeremy I would think about it over the weekend, and we even shook on it. Actually, I think I'm going to start the weekend early down at that new martini bar everyone's been talking about. I feel like getting hammered.


Blogger steven edward streight said...

It's a Scobleizer, not a Scobelizer. Your error is only a natural reflex of the normal mental desire to attach an "izer" to "el" rather than the less common and more awkward "le".

I can provide much more deconstructive criticism in the very near future, if you so wish me to get up off my lazy butt and do so.

Ping me.

November 18, 2006 8:55 PM  

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