Saturday, November 18, 2006


Well, sometimes I think I'm going crazy. Where did that last thing come from? I definitely drank too much last night, so maybe that was it. I probably shouldn't have put it here. On this blog, I mean. I guess it's kind of private, even though I don't know what it means. Jeremy called a little while ago to ask where I got that picture. Good question. It was like I was sleep-walking when I did that. I don't even remember posting it. I'm a little worried about this. Should I be worried?

I had an appointment with Jill this morning, so that was convenient. Jill is my therapist. She's great. I like her a lot. We usually talk about work and stress and my career plans and so on. It gets a bit boring sometimes, but she never seems bored. She seems interested in everything. She says, "Why, that sounds wonderful, Kat," like she's really excited for me. I guess the therapy part is when I start wondering why what she's excited about sounds boring to me. I mean, what we're talking about is me, right? I wonder if her life is boring sometimes too. I suppose everyone's is.

Anyway, I showed Jill that last post. She read it and said, "That sounds wonderful, Kat!" But then she asked -- I was hoping she would -- "What makes you think you might be going 'crazy'?" And she made those little quotation marks with her fingers, laughing a little in how she said it. "It's not crazy to dream. Everybody dreams."

"I know," I said. "But that just doesn't sound like me." And I said sometimes it seems like there's someone else in my head. Or maybe that I'm in someone else's head. And I said I'm usually a very happy person.

"Of course you are," says Jill. And she says no one else is inside my head, don't be silly. And that of course I'm not a figment of someone else's imagination. "Though, that is an interesting thought," she says, looking thoughtful. So we think about that for a while.

Then we talked about other things till it was time to go. I always feel better after seeing Jill. She cheers me up. Maybe I'll go for a run.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am just beginning to investigate the business use of blogs. Help me here. What do all those half nude photos, those memories in the wind, those personal tales about clients have to do with using new media to help business??

November 20, 2006 11:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I understand the question. Could you rephrase it?

November 20, 2006 5:11 PM  

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