Saturday, November 18, 2006

notes for monday

I'll be out in the Hamptons all day tomorrow and I don't want to have to gather up these thoughts late Sunday night. If I get back Sunday night. Who knows? Maybe I'll get lucky.

Given our new accounts with Wal-Mart and IBM, Stu is interviewing like crazy for new talent to help balance the load. I'm not too worried about those, but I want to make sure we're adequately servicing our existing customers. Here's what I think I know about them. (Jeremy, hon, could you email this around to the troops so we can get some meaningful feedback in the Monday morning meeting?)

  • Highbeam: We seem to have gotten Chief Blogging Officer working again. That took long enough! But that's good. Now we just need to keep it from going belly-up again. Let's make sure it doesn't, folks.
  • Allied: Jeremy is on this one, as he has been from the beginning, so no worries. However, he says he's having trouble "thinking like a woman" lately. Imagine me rolling my eyes here, sweetie.
  • Krugle: Krugle seems to be in good shape. I don't understand Thing One about the account, but whatever they've come up with over there, it seems to be selling itself. Something about searching for software, isn't it?
  • Mystic Bourgeoisie: Now this one I am worried about. Who's on the account? Who's been writing that stuff? Whoever it is, see me in my office at 10 o'clocke sharp.
  • Qumana: Jeremy, this is another one of yours, is it not? Do you have their customers "winning friends and influence" as they say on their site? If not, bub, we better talk about it.
  • Audible: We definitely need more ideas for Audible. I asked for input last month and got a big zero. Come on, people! It's a terrific service, but it needs wider visibility. Give us something to run with!
  • JP Rangaswami: I left this for last because we've really fallen down here. JP has been very patient and understanding of the difficulties we've had, but it's time for a serious push on the FF campaign. As you all know, I had to fire that incompetent idiot we had working on it. Since then, I've taken this one on personally. (JP, I'll be blogging some rough ideas here this week.)

OK, that's it, team. Unless I've forgotten anyone. See you all Monday at 8!


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