Friday, November 24, 2006

not a charity - it's a business model

Here's a way you (and your customers) can make a difference. And the cool thing about this is you don't really need to care -- but it'll make it look like you do. So hey, upgrade your choice! (btw, today's musical accompaniment is to celebrate Black Friday. See you at the sales!)

There's a book called Gonzo Marketing that talks about this sort of thing in a chapter on "Social Marketing." About five years ago I saw a copy of it in the remainder bin at Barnes & Noble. Has anyone out there ever read it? If so, please let me know.

Meanwhile, red is the new blue.

fee fee fi fi fo fo fum
look at molly now - here she comes
wearin her wig hat and shades to match
she's got high heel sneakers and an alligator hat
wearin her pearls and her diamond rings
she's got bracelets on her fingers now and everything
she's the devil with the blue dress blue dress blue dress
devil with the blue dress on

mitch ryder

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg I love those shoes! they're so totally empowering... I mean, they're basketball shoes, and think how much taller they make you so that you can make a basket! It's important to be tall. And to have pink feet. It's also totally important to blog about shoes. I tried it for Nanoshoeblomo and got the most comments EVER. Especially the furry mukluks - it was better than the naked photos. You're so on the right track.

November 26, 2006 11:02 PM  

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